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Or (2) Requirements of tools and engineering place and style (parti- cularly tho layout of steel towers) “sso clrted with transmission line” for service up to 110,000 volts. Style offirciB will be needed, under Creating Designer, to execute de- tailed style of civil and hj-draullc structures, e.g., dams, canals, pipeline lines, power stations, and so on. caroma electric scooters that cost 199 welding experience preferred however not vital. Outstanding working problems, in general! Offered cost-free, modem lunchroom.

The Budget Scooter world is GETTING Crazy! The Caroma E22 PROEducated Sisters at the I2-bcd Subsidiary Matern- ity Hospital. Folr-sizod community tsOUO), situated exactly on tho coost-good surfins beaches and climate. A number of trains and aircrafts dally to Sjdney and Brisbane Slaff 4 siblings 5 assistants. Wholeaole Hard w ore Morchant’ i workplace. Apply by letter, slating If experi- enced in invoicing or ledgerkecplns WM.

10 Darcy St (at Hillway). APPLICATIONS will be obtained by Iho Secretary, the Hvdrp-Eleotrlo Com- mission. Tasmania, up until noontime on Mondnv. 14th November, 1949, for the positions listed above. Or (3) Technical and financial In- vestigation and planning connecting to generation, transmission, and conver- sion of power. Tical understanding or field procedure and upkeep of all ts-pes of heavy planet relocating and civil construction gear up- ment, and with workshop experience.

Apply Mr Goldstein. Ralph Symonds Ptv. J quired tor straight and upright dull equipment. Constant cmplosment for mltable guys. Hassle-free lo train solution Apply Purcell Engineering Co. (19401 Ptv. Ltd. Pork Roadway. Auburn.

Pipes Bros Wagga Wagga is devoted to ensuring that every house owner’s plumbing needs are met the highest degree of quality and care. Ashley Chick Pipes is your relied on & prompt group to call for all your pipes needs. Performing general upkeep, fixings, gasfitting and emergency solutions for houses, organizations and commercial residential properties across northern Victoria and southern NSW. Customer service quality is our goal, mirrored in truthful, reliable craftsmanship backed by an individual guarantee.Give our professional team a call today for all your pipes services. TARY LTD., Leading Sporting Goods Monulacturers, need SENIOR end JUNIOR GIRLS lor their modem lactory. Good hours, salaries, ond conditions, and benefit.

Ltd., Pork Rd, Auburn. Veneer Slicing. Good earnings ond bonu” while discovering. Splendid oppor- tunity for odvonccment.

Closing day 18th November. Address application in composing, giving information of age and experience, to P.O. Box 12, Glanville, or ring UU2321. Choice will be provided to candidates who have actually finished a training course of training of Intermediate Certificóte Requirement. To satislactory Vocational Assistance Re- port Apply direct to Work Policeman, Dowling Street, YValerloo.

Record writing and understanding of N.S.W. i Act” relating to resumption of land an’ benefit. Salary ₤ 459 to ₤ 634, according to credentials and experience. Service Station. Congenial condi- tions Great earnings.

Applications axe invited for the posi- tion of Principal Draughtsman in a Company production and operating a broad rango of mechanical devices. Applications close on 28th November, 1949, and need to ho forwarded to the Admiral Superintendent, Garden Island. Appointment will certainly depend on an ideal pass having actually lscen acquired at the Inter- medióte Ccrtlflcate Assessment. Applications ought to he addressed to the Altornev-General “nd lodged st hi” nfflre, Puhllc Structure”. Franklin Square, Hoball, not Intel Mian 12 midday on Mon d”sr, the 21sl November. Apply Public Service Board, 19 O’con- nell Street Svdney (Incl. Bat. morn.).

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